This page is dedicated to addressing individuals or concerned investigators regarding the widely publicized 1985 Green River copycat rape case in the Portland, Oregon area.
In 1985, I was commissioned to provide a description related to the Green River Murder investigation, a major news event in Seattle. This particular incident was suspected to be a copycat murder attempt near Portland, but I took the description in Seattle after the witness had recovered from her attack. At that time, I was living on Vancouver Island, which is close to Seattle. My successful work with the Sacramento Sheriff's Department, particularly with Lt. Ray Biondi, led to my recommendation to the Green River Task Force.

The victim was a teenager who had survived being stabbed and strangled in an attack that took place inside a vehicle equipped with a taxi toll meter. She had spent enough time with her attacker to form a clear impression of his features, and I believed her account was both truthful and decisive. My experience suggested that she could still identify her attacker even years later.

Keith Hunter Jesperson's facial features and expressions match the description I captured. Given the natural aging process, aspects like skull fullness and eyelid sagging would have altered his appearance over the years. If one trusts the accuracy of this composite, it would show what Jesperson might have looked like 25 years prior to his arrest. Images of Jesperson at the time of his arrest show him older, wearing glasses, possibly for vision correction, and his head position does not facilitate a direct comparison to the composite. Unfortunately, I have no photographs of him from the time of the attack.

Although the case might have been closed, I was never informed. A few years ago, when I contacted the Oregon State Police, I was told there were no new developments. Given that Jesperson is imprisoned for murder, there's a strong possibility he was the assailant in this case.

It costs money to re-open an investigation, and that may be the reason this case will never have an answer.

Robert Exter
PHONE: (530) 768-4170
Jesperson appears older and is seen wearing eyeglasses, possibly for prescription use. The witness mentioned he has blue eyes. The shape of his skull resembles the composite image. However, he isn't holding his head in a way that allows for an accurate comparison. I do not have any photographs of him from the time of the attack.
  mug shot 10 years older
The only question in the description is that Jesperson is 6' 6". but in the vehicle it would be hard to determine a person's exact height.
* Please note that the case information should be obtained through the Oregon State Police.